Dynamic path
Any encounter with a natural dynamic takes place after having communicated with an element of Manifested Nature (mineral, plant, tree, mountain, lake, sea). Its presence is most often manifested by probing
the sources of emergence of the energy expressed by the element, even if some were directly presented to me by the Consciousness of the element (because, in our terrestrial world, everything is conscious, everything is alive).
Each natural dynamic has its own “language”. When we practice with it to learn
to know it, to feel it, there comes a moment when a subtle frequency of discussion is established. This relational phase makes it possible to define both the worlds and dimensions in which it participates and the reasons for being and function.
constituting its specificity of expression. It also allows you to be guided to meet
the other dynamics participating with it in the expression of a natural function (*),
then to be able to be put in contact with the natural Consciousness (often planetary) governing it.
[ (*) because no natural dynamic is useful/effective alone. Each participates in a complete amalgam manifesting a natural function, emerging from a primordial reason for participating
to the Whole of planetary generation (... and therefore human, because this ultimate birth of terrestrial generation condenses into its natural constitution everything that moves the world of planetary evolution). ]
When all the dynamics making up this natural function have been correctly experienced and integrated,
can develop the relationship with its Emerging Consciousness in order to more adequately identify its role
in the Whole of planetary evolution. Through this growing communion, the corresponding image gradually emerges
to its full manifestation. This initial visualization serves as a basis to then be clarified and developed.
in the exact shapes and colors allowing its most auspicious expression. This drawn design phase makes it possible to “tame” this natural function into all of what it is supposed to express.
Naturally, each dynamic composing it (and previously experienced and integrated)
will then find its rightful place in one of the shapes of this drawing.
After verification work with each dynamic and Consciousness of the natural function
that everything is correctly represented and complete, comes the time for introspection necessary for evaluation
both seats of internal Consciousness, frames and structures, organs and systems manifesting them
in human nature. Once this work of living correlations has been carried out, is it appropriate to connect and unify
each natural dynamic and function with their correspondences in human nature
(this is done in a specific planetary dimension working like the memory disk of a computer
in which the developed programs can be saved).
Then emerges a natural function of human development which gradually, by cultivating it within itself, will manifest its name as the natural function which is complementary to it (they generally evolve
by two). And so on, the work of experimenting with new dynamics and natural functions is carried out, until completeness is obtained allowing the emergence of a dynamic Vector
such as those presented on the "Dynamic properties" page.