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Welcome to the living reality
of Dynamic Video...
Nature Dynamique proposes a video specifically made to transform your smartphone into a real energetic instrument of well-being.
( In order to take full advantage of it, it is essential to equip your smartphone with a Dynamic Patch )

You can thus, at any time of your choice, enjoy an energetic session working towards the harmonisation and regeneration of your main physical, psychosomatic and mental structures.
The main faculty of this video is to help to develop the dynamic expression of your vital energy, this personal "Chi" conveying in each human being all that his health and his blossoming require.
( Detailed information are available on the "Explanation" and "Benefits" pages )
This Dynamic Video is available for monthly or quarterly rental, in two formulas: individual and multiple.
( Registration procedures and conditions are specified on the "Subscription" page )
(the video player is accessible at the bottom of this page)
It lasts 10 minutes and has a "gong" 10 seconds before its end to warn you.
( Faculties and advises are developped on the "Use" page )
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